Q: Can I just take pictures myself? Why do I need a professional?
We have extensive experience in photographing real estate, interiors, and architecture using high resolution, professional equipment. Including a 3D camera to create a virtual tour and floor plan of your property. Something that simply isn’t available to the general public without expensive equipment. We are meticulous in documenting all the necessary details to provide you with the most accurate assessment of your home or business.

Do I need to clean up my property before the documentation process?
A: It is important that items are visible or accessible when taking the photos. Cleaning is not necessary.

Q: Are a guest's personal belongings covered?
A: Although the personal property belonging to a roommate would not be covered on your contents, renters, or home insurance policy, the personal property of others while in your care may be covered.

Q: Are roommates covered?
A: Roommates are only covered by an insurance policy if they are named on it; otherwise, they are not considered insured.

Q: Are Contents Covered When Moving?
A: Contents insurance might provide coverage during a move for certain risks, but exclusions and limitations apply. Consult your insurance broker to determine specific coverage for your situation.

Q: Are Personal Belongings Covered by Insurance on Vacation?
A: If something should happen to personal items, your contents insurance could cover you just as if you were at home. Insured items would be subject to the same coverage provisions in your policy, including the deductible.

Q: Is my business property covered by home contents insurance?
A: Contents insurance covers personal belongings, but if you have work-related equipment or business items at home, your coverage may be limited. Ask about these items to determine if you need additional coverage or if it's already included.